Harnessing the Power of Virtual Events: A Guide for Companies

  • Tips for Hiring
Samantha Taylor
· 5 min read

In today's increasingly digital world, virtual events have emerged as an innovative solution for companies to engage with their target audience and promote their brand. With the potential to reach a global audience while reducing costs and environmental impact, virtual events are becoming an essential part of modern marketing strategies. In this blog post, we'll explore how companies can effectively plan and execute successful virtual events that leave a lasting impression on their audience.

The Importance of Building Community 🫂

Building a strong community within startup culture is vital for fostering collaboration, innovation, and a sense of belonging among team members. A supportive and engaged community encourages open communication, allowing for the exchange of ideas and creative problem-solving, which is essential for startup growth. Additionally, a cohesive community cultivates employee satisfaction and loyalty, contributing to higher retention rates and overall organizational success.

Choosing the Right Platform and Format 📺

The foundation of a successful virtual event lies in selecting the appropriate platform and format that cater to your company's needs and objectives. Research various platforms, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Hopin, or Venue to find one that offers the features and customization options that align with your goals. Consider whether your event will be a webinar, virtual conference, or interactive workshop, and plan the event's structure accordingly. Make sure to incorporate engaging elements like live polls, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms to foster interaction and keep attendees invested throughout the event.

Promoting and Building Anticipation 📱

A well-planned promotional strategy is crucial to driving attendance and generating buzz around your virtual event. Leverage your company's social media channels, email marketing campaigns, and website to create awareness and excitement. Collaborate with industry influencers, speakers, and partners to expand your reach and tap into their networks. Offer early-bird discounts, exclusive content, or other incentives to encourage registrations. As the event date approaches, maintain communication with registered attendees to provide updates, reminders, and tips for making the most of the virtual experience.

Ensuring a Seamless and Engaging Experience 🤝

Prioritize a seamless and engaging user experience to make your virtual event memorable and impactful. Conduct thorough technical checks, rehearsals, and contingency planning to minimize potential glitches during the event. Invest in high-quality audio and video equipment and choose visually appealing backgrounds and graphics to enhance the presentation. Encourage active participation by incorporating interactive elements like live chats, polls, and gamification. Make sure to provide clear instructions and support for attendees to navigate the platform effortlessly.

How Contra Built Virtual Events

Here at Contra, we started hosting Portfolio Building events, where our team + partners (more on this soon) would help teach our community how to build their portfolio and leverage freelancer tips! Here is how we did it 👇

  1. Using Luma for scheduling We use this platform to schedule our virtual events. We are able to have beautiful landing pages, host RSVP's, track analytics, and send follow up emails all in one place.

2. Using Venue for hosting We use this platform to host our live events. We have received multiple comments from our community, praising us for using such a fun platform! With venue, you have the ability to use backstage, Q/A, music, and more!

3. Leveraging Community + Influencers One of the easiest ways to gain new eyes on your brand, is to have a community of superusers speaking about you. We use our super-community members and influencers to help host! Here you can see an example of one of our amazing community members Bego hosting!

Pro Tip: include some type of discount or free item they can give away to users!

4. Social Distribution If you are working with an influencer or community member, make sure to have them post before the event. We have our creators share 1 week prior, 2 days prior, and 1 day prior. Here is an example of social assets we create and share with them in Figma! 👇 We also share the recorded version of the event on our YouTube and clip the event into bite-sized videos for social!

5. Success Metrics Make sure to outline your why and the success metrics you will analyze after the event. Example: the event goal could be to funnel people to sign-up for your platform. You could also evaluate attendees and email open rate!

Build your Event 🗓️

By carefully selecting the right platform, promoting your event effectively, and ensuring a seamless and engaging experience, your company can harness the power of virtual events to reach a wider audience, generate leads, and strengthen brand loyalty. Keep in mind that virtual events offer unique opportunities for creativity and innovation, so don't be afraid to think outside the box and explore new ways to connect with your audience. With careful planning and execution, your company can create unforgettable virtual experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Leveraging Influencers to Boost Your Company’s SM Presence

In this blog, you will learn how to leverage the power of influencers to boost your social media presence and reach a wider audience.

Samantha Taylor
Social Strategist
Hi, I'm Sam -- community builder 👋 My skills in community management, social media marketing, copywriting and influencer management can be the game-changer for your brand. Let's connect!

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